Friday, December 20, 2019



When it comes to programming, you need to have the best of programming books to enable you to become a very good programmer. Below are some of java best programming books for java.

This is one of the best java book. An introductory course for those who would like to learn the Java programming language. And also for advance IT students. This book will help you to apply your mathematics skill in programming. They will teach you how to use conditional statement to do multiple of a number, unit conversion, power of a number, square root of numbers and factors of numbers. You will also learn to use AWT/Swing to do simple apps.

In this third edition of Java, Java, Java is to be suitable for a typical Introduction to Computer Science (CS1) course or for a slightly more advanced Java as a Second Language course. This edition retains the “objects first” approach to programming and problem solving that was characteristic of the first two editions. Throughout the text it emphasizes careful coverage of Java language features, introductory programming concepts, and object-oriented design principles. The third edition retains many of the features of the first two editions, including: • Early Introduction of Objects • Emphasis on Object Oriented Design (OOD) • Unified Modelling Language (UML) Diagrams • Self-study Exercises with Answers • Programming, Debugging, and Design Tips. • From the Java Library Sections • Object-Oriented Design Sections • End-of-Chapter Exercises •
What’s New in the Third Edition
The third edition has the following substantive changes: • Although the book retains its emphasis on a “running example” that is revisited in several chapters, the CyberPet examples have been replaced with a collection of games and puzzle examples. The CyberPet examples from earlier editions will be available on the Companion Web Site.

This java book is good for kids, parents and for grandparents who want to have an idea about java to use it to do one thing or the other. They will show you how to do interesting java apps

This java book will help you to think in solving problem as a programmer. They are features in this 2nd edition of thinking in java that you will not see in the 3rd and 4th edition, like web browsers and jar file

If you are in a hurry to learn java, then this book is for you, there in teach yourself java in 21 days, you will learn how to do animation, draw shape and images

If you are a type that don’t find it easy to understand, then java for dummies is for you, as they will use diagram and images to explain to you in a way you will understand.

This is a book that is easy to learn for a person that is new to java. Their code example is done in a simple way for your understanding. One of the things you will learn is Java 2D graphics

A Book for All Programmers This book is for all programmers, whether you are a novice or an experienced pro. The beginner will find its carefully paced discussions and many examples especially helpful. Its in-depth coverage of Java’s more advanced features and libraries will appeal to the pro. For both, it offers a lasting resource and handy reference. What’s Inside This book is a comprehensive guide to the Java language, describing its syntax, keywords, and fundamental programming principles. Significant portions of the Java API library are also examined. The book is divided into four parts, each focusing on a different aspect of the Java programming environment.

Some of the things This Book Covers are area like swing and javafx. They will teach you how to design a calculator with swing GUI and scene Builder

To be called a Java developer, a person has to know not only the core syntax of this programming language, but also the set of server-side technologies called Java EE (Enterprise Edition). This book covers both. At the time of this writing, the latest version of core Java is 8 and the latest release of Java EE is 7. These are the versions covered in this book.

Bookfi has one of the largest collections of java books and books for C++ where you can download for free. There you will see “java-how to program by deitel p & h, covert java; technique for decompiling, patching, and reverse engineering” they also have good AI game books like “programming game AI by example, AI game programming wisdom

This is a practical build-it-yourself mobile java games book with lots of complete working code and advice. when you look at the photo of this book you will see football there, which shows that the book covers a lot of games.

Use standard Java.  The book teaches the standard Java language—not a specialized “training wheels” environment. The Java language, library, and tools are presented at a depth that is sufficient to solve real-world programming problems. The final chapters of the book cover advanced techniques such as multithreading, database storage, XML, and web programming

this book for both professional programmers and home hobbyists who already know how to program in Java and who want to learn practical Artificial Intelligence (AI) programming and information processing techniques. the author has tried to make this an enjoyable book to work through. In the style of a “cook book,” the chapters can be studied in any order. Each chapter follows the same pattern: a motivation for learning a technique, some theory for the technique, and a Java example program that you can experiment with.
the author has been interested in AI since reading Bertram Raphael’s excellent book Thinking Computer: Mind Inside Matter in the early 1980s. the author has also had the good fortune to work on many interesting AI projects including the development of commercial expert system tools for the Xerox LISP machines and the Apple Macintosh, development of commercial neural network tools, application of natural language and expert systems technology,medical information systems,application of AI technologies to Nintendo and PC video games,and the application of AI technologies to the financial markets.

this Java Programs textbook is designed for use in a two-course introduction to computer science. The author has class-tested it with thousands of undergraduates, most of whom were not computer science majors, in our CS1-CS2 sequence at the University of Washington. These courses are experiencing record enrollments, and other schools that have adopted our textbook report that students are succeeding with our approach. Introductory computer science courses are often seen as “killer” courses with high failure rates. But as Douglas Adams says in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, “Don't panic.” Students can master this material if they can learn it gradually. Our textbook uses a layered approach to introduce new syntax and concepts over multiple chapters. Our textbook uses an “objects later” approach where programming fundamentals and procedural decomposition are taught before diving into object-oriented programming. We have championed this approach, which we sometimes call “back to basics,” and have seen through years of experience that a broad range of scientists, engineers, and others can learn how to program in a procedural manner. Once we have built a solid foundation of procedural techniques, we turn to object-oriented programming. By the end of the course, students will have learned about both styles of programming. Here are some of the changes that we have made in the fourth edition: New chapter on functional programming with Java 8. As explained below, we have introduced a chapter that uses the new language features available in Java 8 to discuss the core concepts of functional programming. New section on images and 2D pixel array manipulation. Image manipulation is becoming increasingly popular, so we have expanded our Drawing Panel class to include features that support manipulating


Tuto computer is one of the best place to download java books like"UML for Java developers" which will help you to get started with design patterns to improve your design and analysis skills. you can also download good books for other programming language